Free Diabetes ID Necklace

DRWF has been a strong force in getting the awareness and preparedness message across to the diabetes community by offering a Diabetes Identification. Currently, DRWF is the only resource that provides the identification for FREE by request. Our mission is to promote and educate the public about proper identification for those with diabetes. This identification is key when you are unable to speak for yourself in an emergency.

You can request the FREE Diabetes necklace -with a self-addressed and stamped envelope sent to DRWF or you can order online. By wearing this life-saving ID each day, you are in effect educating and sharing your knowledge of diabetes.

Since announcing the Diabetes Necklace program in 1993, DRWF has experienced an overwhelming response.

The diabetes identification necklace reads “I Have Diabetes, Please Test My Blood Before Treating Me.”

Many people have found the “Diabetes ID” to be very useful and lifesaving. Many individuals have written in to tell us how useful and life-saving our Diabetes Identification Necklace is:

“What a great idea, this could save me, I will wear my necklace every day.”

“ I needed a necklace but I just couldn’t afford one. Thanks for offering this FREE service.”

“I never used to wear any identification, but now I know how important it is. Thanks for making me realize what could happen if I didn’t have a diabetes ID.”

DRWF is proud to offer a product that everyone can use in an emergency situation, and hopefully, this will prevent accidents in the future. So spread the word to your diabetes community.

To receive your FREE Diabetes Necklace, click here to fill out the Diabetes Necklace Coupon and mail your self-addressed, stamped ($0.70) request to the address below.

FREE Diabetes Necklace

7220 Wisconsin Avenue

Suite 210

Bethesda, MD 20814

If you have any questions about our necklace program please email us.

**Attention Health Professionals** 

If you are a healthcare professional and would like information on how to receive a supply of necklaces for distribution to patients please send your request via email All correspondence will be handled via email only.