We apply each year to many charitable Trusts wishing to support improved health and social care through the funding of medical research or the provision of educational health programs.
The granting of such Trusts, enables us to continue to fund valuable, pioneering research in the field of diabetes and expand our information and educational Diabetes Wellness program for people living with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
We ensure that only the highest standard of research receives DRWF funding while endeavoring to reach as many people as possible living with the condition and in need of our support.
The continuation of our work is entirely dependent on financial support via trusts, individual gifts, legacies, in memoriam and voluntary donations. Sustainable support is a major factor when planning future grant projects and the continued development of our outreach programs.
Details of Trusts that have supported us in the provision of our charitable objectives are acknowledged in the charity's Annual Report.